File Structure

Black Dashboard is a premium Bootstrap 4 Admin Template.

Black Dashboard Structure

Once you have downloaded the archive and opened it, you will find the following structure:

│   ├───Http
│   │   ├───Controllers
│   │   │       HomeController.php
│   │   │       PageController.php
│   │   │       ProfileController.php
│   │   │       UserController.php
│   │   │       
│   │   └───Requests
│   │           PasswordRequest.php
│   │           ProfileRequest.php
│   │           UserRequest.php
│   │           
│   └───Rules
│           CurrentPasswordCheckRule.php
│   └───seeds
│           DatabaseSeeder.php
│           UsersTableSeeder.php
│   ├───css
│   │       black-dashboard.css
│   │
│   │       black-dashboard.min.css
│   │       nucleo-icons.css
│   │       theme.css
│   │       
│   ├───demo
│   │       demo.css
│   │       demo.js
│   │       
│   ├───fonts
│   │       nucleo.eot
│   │       nucleo.ttf
│   │       nucleo.woff
│   │       nucleo.woff2
│   │       
│   ├───img
│   │       anime3.png
│   │       anime6.png
│   │       apple-icon.png
│   │       bg5.jpg
│   │       card-primary.png
│   │       default-avatar.png
│   │       emilyz.jpg
│   │       favicon.png
│   │       header.jpg
│   │       img_3115.jpg
│   │       james.jpg
│   │       mike.jpg
│   │       
│   ├───js
│       │   black-dashboard.js
│       │
│       │   black-dashboard.min.js
│       │   theme.js
│       │   
│       ├───core
│       │       bootstrap.min.js
│       │       jquery.min.js
│       │       popper.min.js
│       │       
│       └───plugins
│               bootstrap-notify.js
│               chartjs.min.js
│               perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js
        │   dashboard.blade.php
        │   welcome.blade.php
        │       feedback.blade.php
        │       success.blade.php
        │   │   login.blade.php
        │   │   register.blade.php
        │   │   verify.blade.php
        │   │   
        │   └───passwords
        │           email.blade.php
        │           reset.blade.php
        │       │   app.blade.php
        │       │   footer.blade.php
        │       │   
        │       └───navbars
        │           │   navbar.blade.php
        │           │   sidebar.blade.php
        │           │   
        │           └───navs
        │                   auth.blade.php
        │                   guest.blade.php
        │       icons.blade.php
        │       language.blade.php
        │       map.blade.php
        │       maps.blade.php
        │       notifications.blade.php
        │       rtl.blade.php
        │       tables.blade.php
        │       table_list.blade.php
        │       typography.blade.php
        │       upgrade.blade.php
        │       edit.blade.php

Restyled Components

Here is the list of Bootstrap 4 components that were restyled in Black Dashboard:

  • Buttons
  • Cards
  • Inputs
  • Select
  • Textarea
  • Menu
  • Dropdown
  • Progress Bars
  • Navigation Menu
  • Pagination
  • Labels
  • Notifications
  • Typography
  • Images
  • Tables
  • Tooltips
  • Popovers
  • Modal

New Components

Besides giving the existing Bootstrap elements a new look, we added new ones, so that the interface and consistent and homogenous. Going through them, we added:

  • Charts
  • Checkboxes
  • Footers
  • Google Maps
  • jVector Maps
  • jQuery Maps
  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Maps
  • Panels
  • Radio Buttons
  • Sliders
  • Sweet Alert
  • Sidebar
  • Tags
  • Wizard
  • Toggle Buttons
  • Datetimepicker
  • Nucleo Icons
  • File Uploader
  • New Modals